Praeger Security International makes the list of Top 150 Books on Terrorism and Counterterrorism
The academic journal Perspectives on Terrorism has recently released its list of "Top 150 Books on Terrorism and Counterterrorism". Reviewer Joshua Sinai states: “This listing is intended to provide an overview of many of the discipline’s pre-eminent books.”
ABC-CLIO is proud to announce the inclusion of the following titles from Praeger Security International:
Edward E. Mickolus and Susan I. Simmons, The Terrorist List(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2011), 1333 pages, $464.95. [Hardcover] This five-volume set is an authoritatively-produced encyclopedic compilation of biographical information about individuals who were involved in terrorist activities, whether domestic or international, dating back 35 years. The terrorist biographies are arranged by their continent of origin, and provide detailed information regarding the incidents they were involved in, including their outcomes. As explained by the authors, “The list is designed to serve as a directory of leaders, perpetrators, financiers, defendants, detainees, persons of interest, conspirators, and aliases in the regions” in which they are listed. Each volume includes a separate index of the terrorists listed in that particular geographical volume.
Robert W. Schaefer, The Insurgency in Chechnya and the North Caucasus: From Gazavat to Jihad(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2011), 303 pages, $59.95. [Hardcover] An insightful overview by a U.S. military expert on the Chechen and North Caucasus insurgencies against Russia and its government’s primarily military response to such terrorist threats. Thematically organized, it examines the origins of the conflict in the North Caucasus, including the influences of different strains of Islamism and al Qaida. It also features a detailed critique of Russia’s counterterrorism campaigns over years. Especially noteworthy is the author’s use of information from the North Caucasus Incident Database (NCID), including terrorist incidents, as well as informative charts that outline aspects of Russia’s counterterrorism campaigns.
Daniel Baracskay, The Palestine Liberation Organization: Terrorism and Prospects for Peace in the Holy Land(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2011), 225 pages, $44.95. [Hardcover] This book provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the historical events which culminated in the creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964 and leadership of the Palestinian people for the next three decades. The author’s discussion of the organization’s key leaders, ideology, support base, financial structure, and recruitment strategies, is especially noteworthy. Also discussed are the PLO's activities in neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and its evolution from a primarily terrorist organization into a ruling political regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, although in recent years its historical rival, Hamas, has succeeded in overtaking it in Gaza.
J. Todd Reed and Diana Raschke, The ETIM: China’s Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2010), 244 pages, $49.95. [Hardcover] This volume is an authoritative and comprehensive account of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the most significant Muslim terrorist group in China, which demands an independent Muslim state for the Uyghur ethnic minority in northwest China. In what is one of the few books on this subject, the authors discuss the group's origins, objectives, ideology, leadership, tactics, and ties to international terrorist networks. They conclude with an assessment of how other governments view ETIM’s activities and how this has affected their relations with China.
Anna Geifman, Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2010), 229 pages, $34.95. [Hardcover] With 19th century Russia considered the birthplace of modern terrorism, the author views it as a precursor to the psycho-historical patterns of worldwide terrorist activity that evolved over the next century. Especially noteworthy is the author’s analysis of how terrorists' objectives have degenerated from punishment of individual adversaries and attempts to intimidate political elites to carrying out indiscriminate acts of political violence. Moreover, as the author explains, a group’s stated ideology and rhetoric will invariably be transformed in practice into brutal violence. The author’s examination of such Russian precedents in political violence helps illuminate many of the brutal aspects of current terrorism.
Kumar Ramakrishna, Radical Pathways: Understanding Muslim Radicalization in Indonesia(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2009), 292 pages, $75.00. [Hardcover] An important and insightful case study on the pathways to extremism and violent jihad in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, which experienced one of the worst terrorist bombings in Bali in 2002. Specifically, the book explores the factors driving a minority of the country’s Muslim population to turn to violent jihad, and the continuing danger they pose to the country’s political stability. The author, based in Singapore, is one of Southeast Asia’s leading counterterrorism experts.
James J.F. Forest, editor,Influence Warfare: How Terrorists and Governments Fight to Shape Perceptions in a War of Ideas(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2009), 392 pages, $59.95. [Hardcover] This edited volume focuses on the components involved in the competition for strategic influence between governments and their terrorist adversaries, including ways to neutralize terrorists’ use of the Internet in spreading their propaganda. These issues are further discussed in the volume’s case studies.
James J.F. Forest, editor, Countering Terrorism and Insurgency in the 21st Century: International Perspectives [Three Volumes] (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2007), 2016 pages, $400.00. [Hardcover] The three volumes bring together contributions by dozens of experts (including this reviewer) to discuss terrorist threats around the world and the components required for governments to defeat them. Volume I covers “Strategic and Tactical Considerations”, Volume II examines “Sources and Facilitators”, and Volume III discusses “Lessons Learned from Combating Terrorism and Insurgency”.
James J.F. Forest, editor, The Making of a Terrorist: Recruitment, Training, and Root Causes [Three Volumes] (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International, 2006), 1280 pages, $315. [Hardcover] The three volumes bring together contributions by dozens of experts to discuss the central question of how individuals are transformed into becoming a terrorist. The first volume’s chapters cover the recruitment of terrorists, with emphasis on the psychological and religious appeals of joining a terrorist organization. The second volume focuses on how and where terrorists are trained by their groups. The third volume addresses the political, social, and economic root causes that contribute to terrorism globally and within specific countries and regions.
Ronald V. Clarke and Graeme R. Newman, Outsmarting the Terrorists (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2006), 316 pages, $49.95. [Hardcover] The authors contend that effective counterterrorism should strive to stop terrorists before they can attack by reducing opportunities for such attacks by protecting likely targets, controlling the weapons likely to be used by terrorists, and removing any vulnerable conditions that might make such attacks possible. The authors believe that such countermeasures are essential because response agencies need to prepare for what the terrorists are likely to do: identify vulnerable targets, analyze their specific weaknesses, consider the weapons needed to be used in an attack, and assess access to the targets. Once these countermeasures are implemented, counterterrorism agencies will then be able to provide appropriate protection, limit accessibility to potential targets, anticipate the response forces that might be required to prevent a potential attack, and be prepared to mitigate the consequences of an attack if it does occur. By employing such a methodology, terrorists can be ‘outsmarted’ and effectively defeated before they strike.
Donald R. Liddick, Eco-Terrorism: Radical Environmental and Animal Liberation Movements (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2006), 200 pages, $39.95. [Hardcover] With eco-terrorism one of the outcomes of radical environmentalism, this is one of the few books published on these violent groups. The author’s authoritative account discusses how such eco-terrorists engage in arson, such as property destruction, and other types of violence. He discusses the major groups, such as ALF/ELF, as well as less well-known ones, focusing on their history, who they are, their motivations, ideologies, rhetoric, and tactics, and how to respond to their acts of violence.
For the full list of the Top 150 books on Terrorism and Counterterrorism visit:
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